November 5, 2023
You know what the letters “WWJD” mean right? They stand for “What Would Jesus Do?” But do you know the history of this? How long ago do you think it was when this phrase was first coined?...
October 29, 2023
I am sure you have seen people on the street asking for money. Sometimes the person has a sign that they hold up. Sometimes there is a child with them, or a pet. Sometimes the person...
October 18, 2023
Do you want to know what the problem with children’s Sunday School is? It’s that you get certain bible stories ingrained in you, and you hear them so often that you believe you know everything about...
September 25, 2023
Let’s begin by reviewing three bible verses. Take a look and then see if you can tell me what they each have in common.
Exodus 3:4-5 4 When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look,...
September 25, 2023
Are you familiar with the Accelerated Reader system? This is a system put in place in some elementary schools in an effort to get more kids to read. In this system books are assigned a point...
September 25, 2023
Rare is the person who enjoyed writing definitions in school. I know I didn’t care for it. The whole thing just seemed so tedious. It felt almost like a punishment, something akin to...
August 23, 2023
Jeanne Robertson was an athlete, comedian, and all-around good person. I had the pleasure of hearing her speak several years ago. I think her most famous story is the “seven-up” pound cake story. I’ll...
August 22, 2023
How many of you every owned or operated a Polaroid camera? They were all the rage “back in the day.” Those cameras allowed people to almost instantly see the pictures they took, rather than...
August 15, 2023
What if you could go back in time and be a participant in any part of the bible? What part would you choose to witness? There are definitely some things I would not like to be a part of, but I can think...
August 4, 2023
Three Questions
Remember when you were in school? You started out in grade school (or kindergarten, etc.) of course. Think back for a minute. What was it like? What kind of “classes”...
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