Do you make todo lists?  I sure do.  I make them for work around the house.  I make them for my job.  I make them when I plan for a major event.  You probably do to (or at least you know someone who does).  The Harvard Business Review says that people report on average having about 15 different projects and goals going on at the same time.  It is no wonder that todo lists are popular.  

Some things are so big that they are practically begging for you to make a list.  Take weddings, for example.  If you are going to have an elaborate affair (or even just what could be called a regular ceremony) you most likely will make a todo list or two.  Since it has been awhile, I looked up some wedding planning lists online to remind myself of what all is involved.  Here is a list of just some of the things I found.

  • Finalize the date and venue(s)
  • Book vendors
  • Determine the wedding party
  • Create a guest list
  • Book hotel rooms
  • Secure rehearsal dinner location
  • Plan your menu
  • Apply for marriage license
  • Get photographer and videographer
  • Plan music
  • Create vows
  • Gifts for the wedding party

The list goes on…

Why do we like todo lists so much?  Psychologists have looked into this, and they found that making lists for the things we have to do makes us feel better.  There is something satisfying about checking off an item on a list of things we need to accomplish.  It makes us feel that we are getting things done.  We are moving in the right direction.  It gives us confidence that we can make a plan and stick to it.  We end up procrastinating less and finishing more jobs.  

So far the talk has been about physical todo lists.  But what about a spiritual one?  What would a spiritual todo list look like?  The Apostle Paul had a pretty good list he came up with.  

Galations 5:22-25

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

These are the fruits of the spirit.  What an amazing checklist.  What if we used them that way?  What if we had these things written down to check our spiritual growth?  How would you look at each of these and be able to check them off? You could start by asking yourself which of these are most evident to you in your life?  Which of these things do you already do well?  Which of these do you need to work on?  

How often do you get a physical checkup?  How often do you go to the doctor or dentist or eye doctor?  You probably do this regularly (and if you don’t you should).  

Now, how often do you get a spiritual checkup?  Shouldn’t it be just as often (or more often) that the physical one?  The fruits of the spirit are a great way to do that checkup.  And the best thing about it is this:  you can do it anytime you want.  It won’t cost you anything and you won’t have to talk to your insurance provider.  You just have to be honest with yourself about where you are spiritually and then be willing to address the things you can improve upon.  

I hope you will add this to you todo list too.

God Bless

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